Karl C. Fetter, PhD

Campus Address:
409W Gant West Building
2152 Hillside Road, Unit 3046
Storrs CT 06269
Home Address:
Athens, Georgia
I am plant biologist working in conservation genomics, quantitative genetics, and genomic methods development. My research interests are coalescing into a research program that bridges the gap between conservation, breeding, and advanced genomic methods. I primarily work on East Coast plants of conservation concern, including the Hemlocks and Walnuts, as well as studying the evolutionary causes of conservation problems.
I am a project mentor in the Biodiversity and Conservation Genomics Center in the Institute for System Genomics at the University of Connecticut. As a mentor, I train undergraduates on genome sequencing, assembly, annotation. Using comparative genomic methods, the students receive training in whole-genome comparative methods, phylogenetics, and population genomics. The first cohort of students sequenced and assembled a reference genome for the Butternut (Juglans cinerea).
As a post-doc, I’m a member of Jill Wegrzyn’s lab in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department at the University of Connecticut. I’m funded from a USDA NIFA AFRI post-doctoral fellowship (AFRI A1141) in the Plant Breeding for Agricultural Production program. Most of my work is posted to GitLab.
If you are an undergraduate intested in plant conservation genomics, evolutionary biology, or genome assembly methods development, or have a project of your own in mind, get in touch!
Oct 12, 2023 | I’m looking forward to hosting a workshop at PAG 31 on Org.one genomes for conservation! Speaker line-up and details to come. |
Sep 13, 2023 | UConn Today profiles the Biodiversity and Conservation Genomics program’s recent release of the Butternut genome. Huge shout out to the undergrads who led the effort!! |
Jul 14, 2023 | Starting a USDA NIFA PostDoc Fellowship in August! |
Jun 20, 2023 | ✨ 😄 Heading to Albuquerque for Evolution Meeting! Presenting EASEL for genome annotation |
Jun 11, 2023 | Collecting hemlock at the Arnold! |